Sunday, November 30, 2014


I was inspired by Elliot Jacobsen’s example of chasing his dreams to become a successful entrepreneur.  I, like Elliot, have dreams of becoming an entrepreneur.  Over the past months I have sought every opportunity possible to talk to successful businessmen and women in my circles of friends to ask them about their keys to success.   Their recommendations stressed various aspects of business, but there was once piece of advice that I heard almost everyone I asked give: “Work!” If you want to make things happen in your business you must be willing to “Work work work!”  You need to take your fate into your own hands without blaming anyone else for the circumstances and do everything in your power to make your dreams come true.  As I have pondered this, I have become increasingly aware of things in my life that I have simply “left to fate” rather than perusing and achieving.  It’s true that fate is sometimes unalterable, but by leaving everything to fate we essentially forfeit our agency and our ability to impact the world and our circumstances. If I want to become an entrepreneur I must take fate into my own hands by following this business adage: “WORK!”

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