A venture capitalist once told me, “It’s better to invest in
a company with a ‘C’ level idea and an ‘A’ team than a company with an ‘A’ idea
and a ‘C’ team.” After watching Nerds
2.0 and seeing how Robert Metcalfe was backstabbed by Microsoft in the 3Com
deal, I began to think, “It’s better to team up with a ‘C’ team that you can
trust than an ‘A’ that you can’t.” How can we find individuals that we can
trust in our professional lives? As I
ponder this question, a bit of sage dating advice from my single years comes to
mind: “finding a marriage partner isn’t about merely finding the right person,
it’s about becoming the right person.” A similar approach can be applied to
developing trust. It’s not about merely
finding the people you can trust; it’s about becoming a trustworthy individual
Great insight. I think we definitely are attracted to people with similar goals, attitudes, and mindsets. So as we change ourselves, we will find that the people we enjoy interacting with will also change.